Education is compulsory through the elementary level.
والتعليم إلزامي في المرحلةالابتدائية.
The high drop-out rate between primary and secondary is reflective of the very selective process after primary level.
ويعكس معدل التسرب العالي بين المرحلةالابتدائيةوالمرحلة الثانوية العملية الانتقائية الشديدة بعد المرحلةالابتدائية.
Early registration of students entering the primary stage;
التسجيل المبكر للتلاميذ المستجدين في المرحلةالابتدائية؛
The percentage of girls in education decreases steadily the further up the educational ladder one goes, falling from 31.5 per cent at primary level, to 25 per cent at secondary level and 11 per cent at university level.
- 31.5 في المائة في المرحلةالابتدائية
The output of the cohort-system can be seen as a movie of the situation until time x.